Monday 11 November 2013

Crochet Crazy and crochet cushion covers

Craig's cushion: One side red in trebble, other side squares
 I've gone a bit crochet crazy lately.  Think it's the dark evenings that are setting it off.

To start with I've been making a crochet cushion cover for my friend Craig.  One side was fine - I managed to get to the desired 14.5" but when I got to the other side I ran out of wool.

I've just learnt to do single colour crochet squares as I'd love to have a patchwork blanket.  Craig saw these and thought they'd really work as a side to his cushion cover.

He was right, I threaded them together and it really worked.

The only hitch is I've been stitching the sides together with a double crochet stitch in navy blue and it looks lovely and neat one side, but the back side of the stitches not so neat.

I had the epiphany in a dream - yes maybe I am doing a bit too much crochet right now!

Why not edge both sides in blue double crochet stitch and then stitch the sides together - that way the good side of the double crochet will be seen on all sides.

And here it is, edged on both sides with a double crochet stitch.

I then stitched the sides together with a tapestry needle.

But just as I'd finished stitching the sides together I noticed that I'd stitched the red side back to front. Craig was visiting that evening and he actually preferred to have the underside of the squares showing, so I just turned it inside out and let Craig choose his buttons for the fastening at the bottom.

Finally, I made three crochet chains to fasten the buttons with and there you have it, the finished piece of work.

It was really nice to present it to Craig.  It's been a good few months work in the evenings after work and it is the largest crochet project I have worked on so far.

It's crazy to think I only taught myself to crochet with the help of You Tube 10 months ago.

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