Thursday 23 February 2012

My boyfriend's Homemade Valentine's Card

This year I decided to make my boyfriend's valentine's card instead of buying him one someone else designed.

A lot of the materials were things I found or leftovers like the jeans pocket which was in my box of bits and pieces that I like to save in case I can make something with them in the future.

The jeans pocket used to be on a skirt I no longer fitted in.  The heart a little piece of leftover fabric.  The metal "Love" piece I found on a pavement in January (you'd be surprised what little trinkets you can find dropped on pavements!)

The backing card I bought from an art shop for under a £1 (but you can get at least 3 greeting cards from 1 piece of card) and the glittery hearts I put on the inside were from a £2 pack of stickers (but I still have some left over for future projects)

I sewed on the heart and embroidered the "my" on the train to Brighton for the Seedy Sunday Seed Swap.  A few people om the train had a nose at what I was up to when I was making that.

And of course using a jeans pocket I had to pop a little present for him in the pocket.  Teamed up with a red envelope! 

He was chuffed.  It took a little while to put together but it was definitely worth it and so many little bits and bobs were upcycled - some people would even think it rubbish!!

Did you make your other half's Valentine Card this year?

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